Monthly Archives: January 2011

Lillian’s hands



Why do so many people think that these beautiful hands should be idle?

Idle hands lose muscle and coordination.


When given tools, the memory of movement triggers and the hands still function.  When given scissors and glue sticks, pens and paper, they can create art.


Creating collage and drawing designs around the works.

Drum Circles



When you are 101 years old, you can still make a mighty noise!
Drum Circles are becoming a weekly session at some of the facilities. 
One playmate not only requested a drum and smiled while beating it, he later wrote a piece of music that he performed the next week by playing the drum and singing.  Nobody has seen him smile before the sound of the drums reached him.

Proving our Credentials


Before working with the senior care facilities, we began with the basics: nametags for the facility staff.  We presented a workshop for the Florida Health Care Activity Coordinators Association District XIV in November. 
Small works of decorative art that has a function: name recognition, community and neighbor’s name recognition, promotes connectedness, encourages personal creativity.  As we build a nametag that displays areas of interest and parts of our personalities we would like to share with others, we delight ourselves with self-discovery. You can do tags that talk/show about your career, family , pets, hobbies, use favorite colors. Examples: “I’m Sandy. I’m a Veteran” with military symbols and colors  – “Woof-woof, I’m Wally, I was a Veterinarian” with pictures of pets, etc…            
It is great for breaking the ice .
It can start the conversation for you.
You are more approachable.
People will know what you’re about.
People will be more friendly.
It can be your first public impression.
Everyday supplies included cardboard backing and stick on pins. The fronts were collaged with magazine and catalog photos, designs, beads, charms, and glittery paste.  With these simple items, the staff members were able to display their love of cars, clothes, purple, pets, and other interests. 
Using letters cut from advertisments, they put their names on the tags and posed with big grins.