July = Seashells


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Last year we did little seascapes on wood with shells, beach glass and sticks.  This year we added ribbons, beads, wire and monofilament which gave us shell hangings!  It did take more hands on assistance from the playmates but the results were great!  Some of the residents even added shells from their own collections.  The residents played with sizes, access to holes for wiring, patterning with the wire and beads, plus balance and overall effects.

We were so busy we mostly forgot to take photos – happens more and more! But these were some we took at  Epiphany Manor, one of our independent groups.  The young girl showing off her hanging, is the granddaughter of one of our “staff” – she joins us when school is out.  Our oldest member just turned 78 which makes us all laugh when we go see the “old” people – we are finding more of them are within our age group!  We lost two of our active members to independent facilities in the north near their childen.  They’d been fighting the idea for several years but seeing first-hand what we find at the facilites eased their minds and as one said, “At least, we know what to look for where we’re going!”

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