Monthly Archives: October 2012

October Halloween Flags


A simple idea from Karen became a major project of preparation when I couldn’t find large Halloween flavored stamps. That meant searching computer images, digging into last years’ decorations and coming up with some not-scary drawings. I traced them onto foamy sheets with adhesive backing and cut them out easily with scissors (using an Exacto knife for the small spots).  Then I mounted them onto foam core, using scraps for handles on the backs of the stamps. 

I used all sorts of colored fabrics that I’d dyed over the years and cut out similar sized pieces but without measuring and ripping instead of cutting so there were lots of raw, stringing edges.  I sewed a sleeve long the tops of all the flags making sure to lock the stitches at each edge.  I also took along a bag of scraps torn into half inch strips to tie between the flags.

Before letting the playmates stamp on the fabric, we had them try stamping on scrapbooking paper which made some lovely holiday signs for their doors.  Then we proceeded to the fabrics.  There was lots of oops and laughs along the way, acrylic paint on fingers, and upside-down images but it all worked out well and everyone had a great time.  We made a streamer of flags for the activity room in the morning group but as there were only two members in the afternoon group, we helped them each make three flags and strung those together so they each took a banner back to their room for either door or inside.

Now there is more flag sewing to do for next week’s activity!

September – Drawing with chalk


We thought we’d bring back chalk drawing because the playmates enjoyed it so much last year.  This year, it wasn’t in favor at any of the facilities.  So we quickly adapted the lesson.  Members traced their hand on colorful papers and then we cut them out and fastened them to the trunk of a tree we pinned to the wall.  All then hands seemed to be waving at us like leaves in the wind.  A great little reminder of the change of seasons soon upon us….and the autumnal colors are always welcome in Florida, the land of green!

This is a sample I found online of a similar activity.

August Drums


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Excitement builds as Karen describes the drums and talks about the sounds and culture behind each one.  They come from Africa, the Middle East, the Everglades. There are tambourines from far away and from her childhood including one made by her grandfather.  But more than the stories, the playmates are eager to reach for the instruments so they can make a noise.  There are some who are shy and hesitant to make a loud sound but they soon find the joy of banging out a beat faster and faster into a crescendo of sounds that suddenly stop!  There is a short silence and everyone gasps for air and then there is laugher and tapping as if energy is rebuilding and then someone says, “Let me lead this time…” as they join to beat out a new rhythm.

This time we added a short workshop in creating noise makers so the playmates could continue making sounds after the drums went home.  We used plastic, cardboard and tin cans to create the bands.  Each had about a ¼ cup of dried beans or lentils inside and we papered the outside with scrapbook paper or sticky back foamy.  The playmates used sticks to test out the sounds of the drums and then shook them for the rattle sounds.  We’re sure the staff weren’t too happy with us after we departed but there was much shaking and thumping as we left the facilities.  When one doesn’t have much say in one’s own day to day activities, it is perhaps satisfying to make a loud noise now and then.