Art = Wellness

Each opportunity to meet with a senior group, in a recognized Living Facility geared toward aging, will: promote socialization, encourage individualization, creative expressions of a life time, emphasis on generational interpretations, promote cognition, enhance motor skills, encourage speech and cognitive conversation.

Participation in the creative processes can improve mood, support fine and gross motor skills, and enhance dexterity as well as promote cognition and speech. Each activity is attended by an RN with an extensive home health background and an active community artist. The Extended Play Dates also includes several assisting active community artists.

The Extended Play Dates Year Calendar will follow the traditional holidays and recognitions of the yearly calendar for cognition. Each activity is artist led. Each senior attendee will have individual assistance to accomplish each project to completion.

3 responses »

  1. I have initiated art activities with a number of organizations in the Palm Coast area, including the Adult Activity Center, Alzheimer’s Resource Council, Odyssey Hospice, and United Cerebral Palsy. Although this is my passion, I am limited in the amount of time I can serve as most institutions will engage the arts on a voluntary basis only. I would like to work with others who understand the importance of art and wellness and can build a lasting commitment to our communities.

    • Lea, we would love to have you help when you have time but we are also volunteers and bringing in no money at this time. We do hope to change that next year. We’d love to meet with you to discuss and draw on your experiences.

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